The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Jesus Doesn’t Clear Up Confusion


There are fascinating situations in the Gospels where Jesus overhears a supposedly private conversation, or even better, hears people’s inner thoughts, and then addresses them. Times when he gives answers to questions no one directly asks him, or corrects misconceptions on issues that no one asked his opinion about. He displays a boldness and an insight that cuts straight to the heart of the matter, and straight through the hearts of those involved.

But then there are other seemingly rather crucial moments of confusion when Jesus doesn’t offer clarity. He just stays silent, from all that we are told.

Is he the Prophet? Is he the Messiah? Is he from Galilee? Is he from Bethlehem?

Yes. And no. Also maybe. Or maybe not.

Jesus doesn’t clear up confusion. At least not when we want him to, and not necessarily in all the situations we wish that he would. That simply doesn’t seem to be a very high priority for him. So maybe it’s not so much about asking the right questions, but about allowing Jesus to drive the conversation. Our burning question does not always match up with his burning answer.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation