The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Jesus Is Holding Something Back


That you’re not ready to hear. You’re not able to bear it, or believe it, or heed it. Not quite yet. I know that hurts your ego, and perhaps that’s a secondary purpose in his silence. His silence is not aloofness, but patience and kindness. He knows something you don’t, and that might irritate you. But knowledge we are not prepared for can be more hurtful than helpful. This is the story of the Fall in the Garden.

But he’s also telling you something now that he couldn’t tell you before. You weren’t ready to hear it back then, but you’re ready now. The timing wasn’t right then, but it’s right now. Times have changed and you’ve grown up and circumstances have arisen such that he’s ready to share.

Learning to follow Jesus involves letting go of our agendas of what we wish to hear, and relinquishing our control over Jesus’ talking points, and simply listening for whatever it is that he chooses to say, and not worrying about whatever it is that he is not saying.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation