The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Jesus Is Not A Private Savior


Because sin is not a private problem. Sin is a communal problem, so we need a communal solution.

Because salvation isn’t done in secret. Salvation is a public event, drawing the attention of those still held captive so that they too can call on Jesus.

Because when our story is graciously intersected and interrupted by Jesus, that story simply must be told to someone. Anyone who might listen.

Because liberation has motion, a trajectory, a ripple effect. As the prophet Amos describes it, justice rolls like a river, righteousness like a never-ending stream that flows over an entire landscape. (Amos 5:24)

Because the Good News is not written in a personal diary. The Good News is written in the Scriptures for all to read, into human lives for all to witness, and into communities of disciples that bring kingdom of God into their communities.

Because God didn’t send Jesus to make you or me right with him, but “to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.” (Eph 1:10) Thankfully, of course, “all things” does include you and me.

Because this isn’t about me becoming a son of God, or you becoming a daughter of God, but about us becoming the family of God. Together.

Because God didn’t love me so much that he sent his only Son. It was because he loved the whole world. (John 3:16)

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation