The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Jesus Is Thankful For The Little Things


That you bring to the table. Your meager resources. Your scraped-together offerings. Your thin margins of time. Your few ounces of compassion. Your seemingly-insignificant good deeds. Your whispered kind words.

He takes them and gives thanks. Just like the little boy’s lunch.

The way John’s Gospel tells the story, Jesus took the loaves, and then the fish, and gave thanks. But it doesn’t say who he gave thanks to. I wouldn’t say it’s wrong to suppose that Jesus gave thanks to the Father (after all, everything ultimately comes from him), but wouldn’t it be just like Jesus to take a little boy’s lunch and say, “Thank you, little Tobias!”

First comes the need. Then your offering. Then Jesus’ gratitude. Then the miracle.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation