The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Just Because I Say Something Is True


Doesn’t make it true.

But if that something is seen, heard, felt, tasted, or experienced by even one other person, then the likelihood of my story being true jumps up significantly.

The reputation of that other person also has bearing on whether or not a thing is true. If they’re known for telling lies, well, then my story isn’t made much stronger by their agreement. But if they’re known for telling the truth, then my story gets a big boost in ratings.

Of course, the more people who can verify a thing as true, the better. And the more reputable people who do not see what I see means that I must grow in humility, that I might possibly be wrong, that I have something to learn from them.

Truth requires community. A community that doesn’t necessarily always see what you see. Choose your witnesses wisely.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation