The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Know Where You Come From


And speak as if you are from there.

Jesus, having come from heaven, spoke with the accent of heaven.

Many of us Christians try to speak as if we’ve come from heaven—like an American trying to speak with a British accent because it supposedly makes them sound more sophisticated. We try to speak with divine confidence, authority, and assuredness. We try to come across as if we’ve got the truth locked down. As if we have seen all things and know all things and understand all things.

But our words fall on the unconvinced ears of those who can tell that it’s all an arrogant bluff.

Because everyone knows the truth: You are from the earth. You, human, come from the humus. So speak with the accent of an earthling, the accent of humility. You are from the earth, belong to the earth, will return to the earth when you die, and will one day dwell forever on the new earth when it is reunited with the new heaven.

More and more humus, now and forever

Surprisingly, when you speak of things of heaven with the accent of earth, you just might find others more willing to listen.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation