The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Lead Like Yourself


The pressure to lead like someone else is great. It’s constantly being marketed to us by the “successful.” The message is a simple one, yet loud and compelling: Lead like me and you will be successful, too! 

One problem: You are not them. They are not you. Chances are, if they had led your same thing, in your same context, with your same people, with your same mission, given your same skill set and experiences, they may not be any more measurably successful than you. 

That doesn’t mean you have nothing to learn. You do. 

Spend half of your time getting to know yourself. Take time in silence and solitude. Use whatever tools feel helpful. Whatever books or personality assessments. Ask God to reveal to you the beautiful intricacies and quirks that he created in you. Name your strengths and weaknesses. Name your passions and desires — those  dreams that keep you up too late and get you up before the sun.

Spend half of your time learning from other leaders. There are innumerable books, blogs, and podcasts. Some good. Some terrible. Get into as many of them as you can, helpful or not so helpful. Get someone on the phone. Get across a coffee shop table from someone. Ask questions. Listen. Learn. 

Then contextualize and personalize. And lead like only you can. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation