The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Love That Is Internal


Is not fully love. Love must be external. Visible. Manifest. Tangible. Able to be heard and seen and experienced. Full love is more action than emotion, more doing than feeling. It’s more about decision than desire, more about practice than passion.

Feelings are fine as far as they go. The funny thing about feelings and actions when it comes to love, is that the loving feelings can either precede or follow loving actions. Sometimes we are compelled to do something because we feel a swell of love for someone. Sometimes we find that we truly feel love for someone once we have done something loving for them.

This, I believe, is what Jesus was getting at when he said, “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.” Full love is external. And, thankfully, as he says, such love is reciprocal. Not only will your love for Jesus be externally visible by your actions, so will then Jesus’ love, along Father’s love, be shown to you. The Godhead does not simply feel loving emotions towards you. It will become more visible. Manifest. Tangible. Able for you to see and hear and experience.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation