The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Make Me Believable (A Prayer)


Father, make me believable,
just like your Son, Jesus Christ,
not so much by what I say I as by what I do,
not so much by what I proclaim as by what I demonstrate,
not so much by what I profess as by what I manifest.

I want to be a believable witness
in a world full of unbelievable salesmen.
I want my life be received as truthful testimony of your love,
not as fishy propaganda of a religion.

May I never say more than is needed;
may I always do more than I say.
May the picture of how I live in your light
speak more than a thousand words out into the darkness.
May my talk be cheap compared to the wealth of my deeds.
May I not speak great things; may I live great things.

Father, make me believable,
not so that others might believe in me,
but so that they might believe in your Son, Jesus Christ,
who is one with you and the Holy Spirit;
so that they, too, might be welcomed into that oneness,
together with all your people,
together with all of creation,
now and forever.


The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation