The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Managing And Surrendering



On one hand, it is a resource. Resources are to be managed. Used judiciously and wisely. We get the most out of them when we are a little bit cut-throat with our yesses and nos. We know there is a short supply, so we focus and strategize.

On the other hand, it is a gift. Gifts are to be received and enjoyed. Played with and cherished. We get the most out of them when we use them in ways they are meant to be used, at the times most appropriate to use them, and with an attention that empowers us to recall their giftedness so that we can feel gratitude. Misused gifts are disrespected gifts.

Time is a gift from God. We use it best when it is held loosely in our hands, surrendered to him and his good purposes for us and for others. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation