The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Missing Jesus


When he shows up on the shore of your life is easy to do:

When it’s too early in the morning. When it’s too late at night.

When you’re focused at work. When you’re numbed in entertainment.

When you’re surrounded by other people. When you’re all alone.

When life isn’t quite working out like you had thought. When everything’s falling into place.

When you feel unsuccessful. When you feel like a winner.

When you’re scared. When Nothing can touch you.

When you’re depressed. When you’re joyful.

When you don’t know what to do any more. When you’ve got it all figured out.

Basically… all the time. Any time, anywhere it’s possible that Jesus might show up, and highly likely that you’ll not recognize him. Because you’re human, and because he can be quite mysterious.

The good news, however, is that Jesus is nothing if not surprisingly persistent with his friends. He is not just playing some cosmic game of Hide And Seek. He’ll be sure to help you to recognize him when you really need to.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation