The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Negative Nancies


Will always be around. Those critics who only see the bad. Those naysayers who will look for any reason to discredit you. Those dissidents who will find any reason to be against whatever you are for.

No matter what good you do. No matter how authentic you are. No matter how trustworthy you prove yourself to be. No matter how selflessly you give yourself for the well-being of others.

Show one sign of what they view as weakness, and they’ll come in for the kill.

After all, it’s how they responded to Jesus. He wept at the grave of his dead friend, and what were the responses? Some remarked on his great love for Lazarus. Others scoffed at his apparent ability to heal the blind, but not to prevent whatever illness took the life of this young man.

Pay them no mind. And don’t try to change their minds. Let them see your tears (or whatever) as weakness if they want to. Death, and his dissident friends, will not have the last laugh.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation