The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation



Where you’re from is probably not somewhere impressive. Most people come from Nowhereville. Not everyone can come from Shinymont. And as we all know, the only thing produced in Nowhereville is nothingmuch. There are often other people ready to point that out, as if it’s some sort of life-long handicap, probably because they, too, are from Nowhereville but are trying to convince themselves and everyone else that they’re from Somewhereboro.

Where you’re from isn’t as important as where you’re going.

Who you were born as isn’t as important as who you are becoming.

Where you were first planted doesn’t determine how you will grow.

Beautiful things still grow in non-descript places. Roots matter. But the end-goal is not an impressive root system, but a bountiful harvest of fruit.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation