The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

One Foot In Front Of The Other


That’s what obedience looks like. 

Often, all we know is the next thing the Lord has asked us to do, and nothing more. No big picture. No strategic plan. No workflow. Just the one next step. 

This is what faith is all about, because faith is trust. Not in a plan but in a person. Only knowing the next step requires trusting the one who has given you that next step. Trusting Him that the given step really is good and heading in the right direction. Trusting Him that there will indeed be another step after that one.

This is challenging because we like plans. We would prefer to see 10+ steps ahead. Anxiety demands downloadable step by step directions from Google. Faith gets our eyes off of our feet onto the Guide.

For we live by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7
The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation