The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

One Secret Of The Long Haul Of Leadership


Is spending time with other leaders. Quality time. Face time. Relational time. Friend time.

Not work time. Not business-talk time. Not strategy time. Not planning time. 

Time to laugh, tell stories, enjoy the gift of being alive. Time to just be. Time to remember and act together the reality that you are human beings not human doings. That “leader” is always and only a secondary description of what you do, not a primary description of who you are.

The opportunity cost of spending time with other leaders may be high, but it’s worth it. The travel time may be twice as long as the face time—go anyways. The financial cost may have no immediate ROI—spend the money anyways. Your to-do list might grow longer instead of shorter—do it anyways.

The long haul of leadership is a team sport.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation