The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Over-complicated Evangelism


We have over-complicated evangelism. At least in the streams I’ve been a part of, all the programs and tactics and bells and whistles make me feel more like a salesman for Jesus rather than a witness of Jesus. Maybe some of them are fine. If the moment calls for a certain approach, I suppose you ought to take it.

Mostly I think it’s this simple:

STEP 1) Give people a reason to ask you about Jesus.

Don’t chase them down or knock on their door or try to bribe them into listening to you. You don’t need to manufacture opportunities. Live your life well; trust the Spirit to draw people. Wait for them to ask why you are the way you are.

(If no one’s asking, stick with this step before moving on).

STEP 2) Resist the temptation to answer questions that you can’t genuinely answer.

Like, “If God is so good, then why is there evil in the world?” Or, “What about those who die without ever hearing about Jesus?” Or, “Why should I trust the Bible?” Or whatever. You don’t have to have answers for anything. Say, “I don’t know” as quickly as possible and then move on to step #3.

STEP 3) Tell the simple story of what Jesus has done for you.

The before and after. You don’t need anything more than that. The best witness is the one who says, “I don’t know about any of those other questions you’re asking. One thing I know is that I used to be that but now I am this.”

STEP 4) Repeat as needed.

If they ask you again, repeat step #3. Otherwise, just get back to living your life in step #1.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation