The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Latest Riffs

Jesus Is Not A Private Savior


Because sin is not a private problem. Sin is a communal problem, so we need a communal solution.

Because salvation isn’t done in secret. Salvation is a public event, drawing the attention of those still held captive so that they too can call on Jesus.

Because when our story is graciously intersected and interrupted by Jesus, that story simply must be told to someone. Anyone who might listen.


Managing And Surrendering



On one hand, it is a resource. Resources are to be managed. Used judiciously and wisely. We get the most out of them when we are a little bit cut-throat with our yesses and nos. We know there is a short supply, so we focus and strategize.


It’s (Not) All About Relationship


The most formative years of my spiritual life–as a congregant, as a leader, as a pastor–have been spent swimming in a pond where it’s common to hear something along the lines of, “It’s all about relationship!” It punctuates sermons. It graces the covers of church bulletins. You hear it in pitches for membership classes or small groups. It’s probably all over bumper stickers and Instagram feeds. That sells pretty well, I think.


Flip A Coin


When you’re stuck in making a decision, maybe flipping a coin isn’t a test not of gravity and physics, but of God’s sovereignty. A test of whether or not we truly believe in God’s sovereignty. Here’s the power of it: leaving something to apparent chance removes me from the equation of decision-making. It nullifies the influence of my biases, my desires, my attachments.


Hospitality Begins In The Heart


It does little good to have a wide open front door, but a heart that is closed off. If your door is open to new people, but your heart is shut tight, that’s not hospitality–it’s toleration. And they’ll pick up on it. You are permitting someone to be in your space, but you don’t really want them in your space. 


The Holy Spirit Is Doing So Many Things


In some places his power is knocking people down. In other places his power is making people stand tall and strong.

In some places he’s giving people loud voices. In other places he’s causing people to sit in silence.

In some places he’s making people speak in other unknown languages. In other places he’s giving them clear messages in their native language.


Party Theology (A New Year’s Riff)


It’s January 1, 2020. Last night there was a lot of partying going on. All around the world. (Not me, I admit. I went to be while my fam stayed up. High fives to them!)

So today, it got me thinking: Jesus partied all the time. 


Give It Your All


But not all the time. 

You can give 100% of yourself to as task, a person, a cause, or a career, but at 0% it’s time to recharge. Time to give nothing, because you have nothing left to give. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation