We prefer to take a good long look at the box top before we start putting the puzzle together. It’s a fluffy kitten, or a pile of cupcakes, or a Monet painting. But most of the time that’s not how faith and obedience work. Most of the time all we get is some oddly shaped piece that might be a part of an ear, or maybe some icing, or a patch of flowers.
(more…)Faith Is A Puzzle In Reverse
One Foot In Front Of The Other
That’s what obedience looks like.
Often, all we know is the next thing the Lord has asked us to do, and nothing more. No big picture. No strategic plan. No workflow. Just the one next step.
(more…)How Many Of Paul’s Churches Survived?
I’m betting zero. Not a one. (If you can name one, please let me know. I’d love to be wrong!)
Yet Paul was still a success, right? Right.
(more…)How Many Churches Did Paul Plant?
Certainly someone somewhere has done research on this. At least enough to have an educated guess. I’m sure it’s a lot. By all accounts, and however much guestimating is involved, I think most everyone would agree on this: Paul was successful.
He was a winner. Sure, he took a whole lot of crap for his work. It wasn’t all rainbows and cupcakes. We’ve got some pretty gruesome stories from his life. Even though he himself boasts of his own sufferings in a few of his letters, there’s probably plenty he left out. In any case, his lists of sufferings endured make the point well: Ministry is hard as hell.
(more…)Leadership Is Creative
Or else it is derivative. And non-inspiring.
No one has ever done what you’re doing: Led this organization. Served these people. Lived in this place at this time. Related to this family. Raised these kids. Befriended these neighbors.
(more…)Don’t Touch The Stove
Is great advice for a four year old. But not for a fourteen year old.
(more…)Good Leaders Are Not Know-It-Alls
They ask good questions. They know when they’ve come to edge of their understanding. They ask others for data, contexts, perspectives, and connections.
Good leaders are not do-it-alls. They gather others around themselves who are more talented than they are. They build teams of those who can do what they can’t do, who have different inherent strengths, who have honed different skills.
(more…)Discernment Is A Team Sport
Not a solo event.
It’s more like soccer than tennis. More like baseball than golf. More like water polo than surfing.
(more…)Waiting Is The Hardest Work
It’s much easier to just plow ahead and make something happen, get something done, move something forward, or force the next step.
Waiting feels uncomfortable. Waiting feels passive. Waiting feels inefficient. Waiting feels weak.
(more…)Emotions Are Like Speed Bumps
They’re given to us by God to encourage us slow down and pay attention to something. However, instead of really paying attention we tend to employ other creative strategies: