But life is not drawn in straight lines.
The path from Point A to Point B usually looks more like it was drawn by a snail than a protractor.
(more…)But life is not drawn in straight lines.
The path from Point A to Point B usually looks more like it was drawn by a snail than a protractor.
(more…)Leadership is one great exercise in knowing when to get out of the way.
Out of the way of others on your team.
Out of the way of the bigger mission.
Out of the way of yourself.
Out of the way of the Spirit.
(more…)The pressure to lead like someone else is great. It’s constantly being marketed to us by the “successful.” The message is a simple one, yet loud and compelling: Lead like me and you will be successful, too!
One problem: You are not them. They are not you. Chances are, if they had led your same thing, in your same context, with your same people, with your same mission, given your same skill set and experiences, they may not be any more measurably successful than you.
(more…)He loves your heart. That part of you that feels things. The whole spectrum of emotions and desire. That part of you that laughs and cries and loves and gets angry. That part of you that wells up with passion and excitement that you find hard to articulate.
He loves your mind. That part of you that thinks things. The infinitely complex system of nerves and synapses that catalogs memories, solves problems, and learns new skills. That part of you that investigates and questions and tests out theories. That part of you that longs to know more, to connect more dots in the universe.
(more…)To most big questions most of the time.
(more…)“People who look like saints to us are very often not so, and those who do not look like saints very often are.”
Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain
We all have glasses on. Our set of values and criteria that inform our own definition of “saint.” Our pet peeves that immediately disqualify someone from sainthood.
(more…)Which should you put in your recipe?
(more…)(A response to Seth Godin: Ask A Busy Person)
You might know one. They are a bit of a rarity in our culture, but you can find them if you know where to look.
(more…)Is spending time with other leaders. Quality time. Face time. Relational time. Friend time.
Not work time. Not business-talk time. Not strategy time. Not planning time.
(more…)That inspires, empowers, or encourages someone else to do something.
Just a small, simple, influential action that results in more. A catalytic something that sets off a chain reaction.