The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Party Theology (A New Year’s Riff)


It’s January 1, 2020. Last night there was a lot of partying going on. All around the world. (Not me, I admit. I went to be while my fam stayed up. High fives to them!)

So today, it got me thinking: Jesus partied all the time. 

Most Christians, it seems, don’t party nearly enough. (My self included). Our churches are far too serious. (Mine included). Our message to the world comes across as far too uninviting. (Again, all me).

The New Testament picture of the Kingdom of God most often involves a lot of people, joy, laughter, food, wine, and music. 

It seems to me that we would do well to get in on this. A more robust, clear, and central understanding of the Kingdom of God as a party, of the Gospel message as invitation to the party, of the death and resurrection of Jesus as the only entrance ticket to the party. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation