The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Peace Does Not Impose Itself


Peace does not push its way in. Peace does not force itself into a situation. Peace does not demand an audience. Peace does not insist on getting its way. Peace does not come naturally or automatically. 

Peace must be invited. Peace must be welcomed. Peace must be worked for. 

Whether internal peace (within one’s own body, mind, or soul), or external peace (within one’s relationships, environment, or society), there is a single first step to take: attentive silence. 

If you want peace, the first thing to do is to be quiet and listen. Really listen. 

What is your body trying to tell you? What are all the thoughts and questions nagging in your mind trying to tell you? What is being whispered in the deep places of your soul? 

What would those closest to you say if given the chance? What are those in your broader sphere of relationships saying through their words and actions? What is you broader city, state, or nation trying to communicate? 

Even attempting to hear the true answers to questions like these cracks open the door to peace. 

Then, any forward momentum of peace will happen under it’s own weight. Then it will come with gentle power rather than pushy insistence. Then it will feel more like a gift than an imposition.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation