The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

People Want To Feel That They Are Needed


But resent feeling obligated.

Such a delicate balance. 

As ministry leaders who lead teams mostly comprised of volunteers, much of our role is to help people utilize their time, gifts, and resources to serve others. To match their gifts with others’ needs. As we do, it’s important to keep our finger on the pulse of our people. Do they feel genuinely needed? Do they feel involved in meaningful ways? Are the needs of the community matched up with their gifts, passions, and strengths?

And then what do we do if the answer is NO?

On the flip side of that needed/obligated coin…

As ministry leaders we also need to be careful that our invitation for people to get involved in ministry is in no way manipulative or coercive. That we’re not playing on people’s sense of guilt or duty. We must treat our volunteers as humans, not cogs. At the same time, we must still keep our finger on that pulse. Do they still sometimes feel obligated? Are the involved out of a sense of guilt or duty? Does it feel like drudgery or mere work to them?

And then what do we do if the answer is YES?

Such a delicate balance.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation