The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Power Struggles


When Jesus understood that “the Father has put all things under his power,” he took a servant’s position, knelt on the ground, and washed his disciples’ feet. Exercising power over “all things” was to begin with the dirty, smelly feet of his own followers.

When Pilate claimed to have the power of life or death over Jesus, Jesus replied, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.” This phrase from above can also mean from the very first, or from the beginning. Pilate’s authority, his ability to make a consequential decision, was given to him by God, not Caesar.

What Jesus understood about power struggles is that they are a human invention, a result of human beings mistakenly believing that power comes from position, power that is earned and kept by status.

What Jesus understood is that 100% of all authority—the ability to choose, to do as one pleases—originates from God, belongs to God, and is administrated by God.

Whatever choices others make, remember that they were given that freedom by God himself—as was your ability to choose how you respond.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation