The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Predictable Seasons


Are not the timetable of the Kingdom of God.

Farmers and gardeners plan their crops around the seasons of the year. Students and teachers order their year around semesters and Summer breaks. Many people change the decor in their homes in anticipation of the next major holiday.

In the Kingdom of God, every moment is ripe. Every present moment holds the possibility for reaping because every past moment held the possibility for sowing. Fruit may be ready for the picking right in front of you.

In one sense, rhythms are good, natural, and healthy. We are rhythm-based creatures. We need regular periods of work and rest, preparation and readiness. But if we get so comfortable in our rhythms that we assume that now, in this moment, there’s no possible way the harvest could be ripe, we just might miss it.

Embrace the rhythms of life. Also be ready for the surprises of the Kingdom.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation