The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Redoing Todos


I realized this morning that my regular todo list is almost entirely deprecated. The vast majority of projects and/or tasks that I typically do in a normal week are either no longer needed or greatly simplified for the immediate future.

It’s a little frustrating because I usually depend on my pre-thought-out todo list to guide me in doing what is best to do rather than what I feel like doing. It’s a little unnerving and disorienting because it’s almost like re-writing my job from scratch.

That’s the present bad news, but there is also future good news: This moment brings a three-fold opportunity:

A) To revisit values and priorities.

B) Which requires a detachment from previous expectations I have been operating under (whether real or imagined).

C) All of which requires courage and creativity and compassion (for myself and others).

If done well, this means I can come out on the other side a more intentional, realistic, and whole-hearted person. I will likely not only end up doing different things, but also for different reasons.

Making good adjustments to what we do—and when and why—as the world around us changes is what is called wisdom.

Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square;  on top of the wall she cries out, at the city gate she makes her speech.

(Proverbs 1:20‭-‬21)

Sometimes wisdom whispers to us in private. Other times—perhaps much like the current times we are living in—wisdom shouts to us in public. So that we might become more intentional, realistic, and whole-hearted people. So that we might do different things for different reasons.

What’s one thing you hear wisdom shouting for you to do differently today? 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation