The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Seeing Is Believing


Yet what I am seeing might only be partial reality. Thus, what I am believing might only be partial truth.

This is not cause for doubt, or disbelief, or cynicism, but rather for hope. Hope that there might be much, much more than what I am currently experiencing.

There is always more to see. Always more to believe.

Any faith system that keeps seeing and believing locked-up, boxed-up, or fenced-in is an inadequate faith for the expansive universe in which we see and believe. Any faith system that does not leave room for a larger God than it can currently conceive of is more concerned with itself as a container than with the God that is meant to fill it.

When Simon Peter stepped into the empty tomb, saw the burial clothes, and noted the absence of a body, “He saw and believed.” What did he see and believe? He saw no body, and so he believed that it was gone. Which was, true, as far as anything could be true to him at that moment. That is all. It wasn’t until later, when he saw the risen Jesus, that he then believed in the Resurrection.

There is always more to see. Always more to believe.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation