The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Shifting The Pronouns In Prayer


Is a transformative tool. A simple twist of perspective can change our hearts and minds. It can take prayer in new directions. It can even make it a little more fun!

STEP 1: Find a prayer. Scriptures are a good place to start. 

STEP 2: Change the pronouns. For example, Us —> I. I —> them. Us —> she. Mix it up and see how it changes your prayers

Like this. 

“Give me today my daily bread, and forgive me my sins, as I forgive those that sin against me.” (Matthew 6)

“Lord, how many are their foes! How many rise up against them! Many are saying of them, ‘God will not deliver them.’ But you, Lord, are a shield around them, their glory, the one who lifts their heads.” (Psalm 3)

“Oh, that you would bless her and enlarge her territory! Let your hand be with her, and keep her from harm so that she will be freer from pain.” (1 Chronicles 4)

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from us; yet not our will but yours be done.” (Luke 22)

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation