The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Spiritual / Religious


You could be spiritual but not religious. And that could very well be a joyful and meaningful way of being in the world.

You could also be religious but not spiritual. And that could very well give your life a sense of belonging and purpose.

There is also, of course, a third option: You could be spiritual and religious, eschewing that false dichotomy forced upon us by postmodernism. And that could be the most fulfilling option.

But then again, to pull on that thread a little more, there’s a fourth option as well: You could simply love God. Because what no one ever brings up in the whole spiritual / religious conversation, is the fact that it’s possible to be either religious or spiritual—or even both—and yet not have an ounce of the love of God in your heart.

Being spiritual and/or religious can be an elaborate ruse for ignoring the call of love.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation