The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Study Will Not Make You Spiritual


Not by itself, anyways. Intellectual engagement with spiritual things is important, for sure, but it’s probably overemphasized in Western Christianity. Study alone is insufficient for cultivating a rich spiritual life, because the mind is only part of a human being. Jesus, when asked what might be the most important commandment, replied,

“Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”

-Mark 12:30

God wants to be loved, but not just in any measure. He longs to be loved by whole human beings.

The mind is only one-fourth of a person. A spiritual mind is still only one-fourth of a spiritual person. Which means that it’s possible to have a redeemed mind and yet still be far from the God who desires to be loved with one’s emotions and inner being and physical body.

After all, love is not logical. Love does not exist because it makes sense. Love is not powerful because the math adds up. Love is what it is because it is the essence of God, who is himself an unknowable mystery.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation