The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

The Cosmic Courtroom


In one of Jesus’ favorite metaphors. God as Judge is an image many people are familiar with. The unfortunate thing is that most of us then jump straight to imagining ourselves as the accused who is on trial.

But we forget one of Jesus’ key courtroom images: the Advocate. His own Spirit who stands as the star witness in defense of his disciples, whom he aims to defend and justify as if his own life depends on it. Because it does. Because it did on the Cross.

What’s more, in the process of advocating for his own, he also points out real guilt: Sin itself is that which culminates in not believing in Jesus. Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension will be the proof that he is the big winner—not those who thought they triumphed by killing him. And there is a certain “prince of this world” who already stands condemned before the Judge, and now is awaiting his final sentencing.

One day, in the Cosmic Courtroom, all who are beloved by Jesus and defended by his Spirit will taste the complex richness of mercy and justice.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation