The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

The Poor Are Blessed


According to Jesus in Matthew 5. They who are part of the out crowd are actually part of the in crowd of the Kingdom of God.

The Beatitude of the world says, “Blessed are the rich, for they will have everything they want.” The rich are the real favored, privileged, and happy winners of the world. Especially in a capitalistic and materialistic society like our own.

But here’s the bummer: Such outward comforts are their own reward. When it’s gone, it’s gone. As Luke says in his corresponding woe, “But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.” Wealth can attain a certain level of comfort in this today, but it is terribly inadequate to attain comfort in the never-ending Kingdom of God.

Now, Matthew and Luke differ slightly with this beatitude. Luke says simply “poor” while Matthew says “poor in spirit,” but these are not incompatible statements.

Good news: It is possible to be literally poor and yet spiritually rich, as Matthew’s Beatitude says.

Bad news: It is possible to be literally rich and yet spiritually poor, as Luke’s Woe says.

More bad news: It is possible to be literally poor and also spiritually poor. This is probably the worst state of all, and as those who do consistent work among the poor can attest, it illustrates the true violence of poverty: when it steal’s someone’s humanity and hope.

Yet also more good news: It is possible to be literally rich and also spiritually rich. However, as Jesus also says elsewhere, this is rather tricky business—like a camel squeezing himself through the eye of a needle. Impossible in human terms, yet possible with God. Possible? Yes. Just not easy.

Even though we might be people of means, part of the supposed in crowd of the world, we can still do the hard work of avoiding the seduction of wealth. If we want to share in the blessings of the Kingdom of God, we must learn how to be in with the out crowd—the poor. Whether we have much or little in terms of material wealth, we must learn to tune in to our deep, deep neediness and dependence upon God and others.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation