The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

The Purpose of a Temple


Is to be a place where heaven can touch earth, and where earth can reach back.

Where the Creator can enter into creation, and where creation can welcome the Creator.

Where the eternal can uphold the temporal, and where the temporal can rest upon the eternal.

Where the invisible can fill the visible, and where the visible can manifest the invisible.

Where the Divine can come into contact with humanity, and where humanity can respond to the Divine.

This is what we’re all longing for whenever we go to our temple. Most of our temples fall short of our expectations: the shopping mall, the stadium, the local bar, the concert hall, the theater, the university, the library, our homes, etc.

Even the Temple in Jerusalem was not sufficient to meet the expectations of a world longing for connection with God. One building in one city in one country on one continent could never be enough.

This is why Jesus referred to himself as “this temple.” Christ is the great Intersection of heaven and earth.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation