The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

The Shortest Distance Between Two Points Is A Straight Line


But life is not drawn in straight lines. 

The path from Point A to Point B usually looks more like it was drawn by a snail than a protractor. 

I’ve heard it said that straight lines do not exist in nature. (Except for maybe spiderwebs, but let’s not go there.) To live then, as if there are straights lines to anywhere is, well…unnatural. Going anywhere naturally involves turns. Doing anything naturally involves flexibility. 

Straight lines allow for speed, but curves require careful attention and moderated speed. Life is less about efficiency about more about transformation. Less about how quickly and uninterruptedly we can get from Point A to Point B and more about what changes in us along the way. 

Pay attention to the curves. Lean into them. Enjoy them, even. You’ll get there—wherever there is—eventually. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation