Just by default. As if by magic. There is an important sequence of cause and effect within a series of decisions you have to make.
Let’s reverse-engineer this.
The truth will set you free, but only once you know the truth. You have to perceive it or understand it in some way. You must choose to be teachable.
Before that, the way to come to perceive or understand the truth is by holding to the teachings of Jesus. To make them your home base. To give them the final word in all things. You must accept that this kind of understanding is not merely intellectual understanding, but kinetic understanding—more about what you do than what you think.
Before that, the way to hold to Jesus’ teachings is to really be a disciple of Jesus. You must whole-heartedly choose to learn from him above anyone else in a life-long, no-plan-B, relationship.
Before that, the first step in becoming a real disciple of Jesus is to believe him. Not just believe in him, which can still be a detached, theoretical assent to an abstract idea, but rather a personal, intimate, one-to-one, “I believe you!” You must choose to take Jesus as his word that he is who he says he is.
And before that—where it all starts—is by listening to him when he speaks.
This is the ongoing, constantly repeating process of freedom: Jesus speaks > Listen and believe him > Follow him > Hold to his teachings by doing them > Accept the revelation of truth that is given to you > Allow that truth set you free.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.