The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

There Is No Next Big Thing


The most surprising thing about the story of Lazarus is that after being raised from the dead there was no next big thing. After something as spectacular as a resurrection, you’d expect something else powerful to follow. But apparently, as best we can tell, he just went back to living his little inconsequential life in his little inconsequential town.

The next time we see Lazarus post-resurrection he is not traveling and doing ministry with Jesus, he is not leveraging his story for the gospel, he is not raising others from the dead. He is not doing anything at all spectacular or exciting or even useful: He is reclining at a table.

What a waste of a good resurrection. What a missed opportunity. Why not write a book? Why not go on a tour of speaking engagements? Why not create a YouTube video series? Heck, this is the kind of story that goes viral and gets picked up as a Netflix special!

Sometimes there is no next big thing. Sometimes there is only a lifetime full of next little things. Live those well.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation