The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

There’s Always More To Believe


Because there’s always more to see.

Whatever it was that caused you to believe in the first place—well, that’s good. Thank God for that. But that’s not all there is to believe. Some day in the future another experience, another bit of evidence, might stir up more belief in you. A kind of belief that feels different and deeper, broader and bigger.

For some this is unsettling because they like having things under control. But faith will not be tamed. Such folks approach belief as if it were more like taking a multiple choice test than like falling in love.

But faith is not a doctrinal checklist; it’s an ever-evolving relational experience.

This is good news. At least for those who want to believe for the long haul.

One day the thing that brought you to believe at first won’t be sufficient any more. There will be new challenges. New questions. New experiences. New possibilities. New disappointments. New joys. New ideas. New discoveries. New books. New people. All kinds of newness that is building something that an old foundation simply can’t support.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation