The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

ThE Way Things Begin


Is the way they continue. A foundation is laid; a trajectory is set. The DNA of the future was already there at the start.

God brought the cosmos into existence by his words and his Spirit. By his communication and his breath. Everything began with a divine exhale.

All things continue to be sustained by his words and His Spirit. Learning to follow Jesus means learning to listen to his communication, to breathe in his breath as he quietly whispers to us.

Listen to his nouns. Who or what does he talk about?

Listen to his adjectives. How does he describe those people? Those places? Those things?

Listen to his verbs. What does he talk about doing? How does he talk about his way of doing things?

Listen to his imperatives. What does he tell you to do?

Listen to his exclamations. What does he get excited about?

Jesus’ words are full of the Spirit and life.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation