The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Trust Is A Verb That Requires Further Verbs


That is, trust in someone doesn’t mean that you sit back and do nothing, but that you do the next right thing for you to do. Trust is active engagement, not passive waiting.

Trusting your doctor means then taking the prescription given to you, following all the instructions as closely as possible. 

Trusting the company that built your car means getting into it and driving your kids to school and yourself to work. And then back home again. 

Trusting the construction workers who built your home means sleeping soundly at night, without fear or anxiety of the house collapsing at any moment. 

Trusting in God means obeying his commandments and following the guidance of his Spirit that he has graciously given to live within us. 

If you cannot trust, you cannot act. And if you cannot act you cannot truly live. 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation