The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Unless The Lord


Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

Psalm 127:1

Unless the Lord starts the church, the church planters labor in vain. 

Unless the Lord pastors the church, the pastors shepherd in vain. 

Unless the Lord preaches, the preachers preach in vain. 

Unless the Lord leads the small group, the leaders lead in vain

Unless the Lord makes his presence known in worship, the worship leaders sing in vain. 

Unless the Lord welcomes people as they arrive, the greeters greet in vain. 

Unless the Lord teaches the children, the teachers teach in vain. 

Unless the Lord provides for the church, the financial team systematizes in vain. 

Unless the Lord draws people, the advertisers and social marketers strategize in vain. 

Unless the Lord feeds the hungry, the food pantry volunteers stock shelves in vain. 

Unless the Lord meets the needs of the disenfranchised, the social activists advocate in vain. 

Unless the Lord brings unity, those working for racial reconciliation labor in vain. 

Unless the Lord heals, the pray-ers lay on hands in vain. 

Unless the Lord speaks, the prophets prophesy in vain. 

Unless the Lord guides, the spiritual directors direct in vain. 

Unless the Lord pulls together volunteers, the team leaders organize in vain. 

Unless the Lord preaches the Gospel, the evangelists evangelize in vain. 

Unless the Lord writes the articles, the bloggers blog in vain. 

Unless the Lord writes the books, the authors write in vain. 

Unless the the Lord writes the songs, the songwriters write in vain.

Unless the Lord podcasts, the podcasters record in vain. 

Unless the Lord holds together, spouses fulfill their vows in vain. 

Unless the Lord raises children, the parents parent in vain. 

Unless the Lord…

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation