The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Wait Is A Four-Letter Word


No one likes it. We like being in control of outcomes. We like being in control of pacing. 

We don’t handle it well when the waiting is in someone else’s hands. We like it even less when the waiting is in the hands of something much broader and unpredictable–like, say, a pandemic.

An indefinite season of waiting.

The question is what are we waiting for? Perhaps many things: for the Coronavirus to run its’ course; for officials’ next decisions or recommendations; for labs to produce more tests; for scientists to develop a vaccine; for our bosses to make decisions that affect our employment; for school systems to announce the next steps; for… for… for…
Our “waiting for” list could be quite extensive and overwhelming at this point.

The problem is that the longer the list, the greater the anxiety. The Christian remedy is to narrow down our “waiting for” list to one single item: the Lord.

Wait for the Lord; 

be strong and take heart 

and wait for the Lord.

Psalm 27:4

The opposite is not helpful at all: To wait for anything or anyone else; to be weak and lose heart. Because waiting is all about hope. A life of waiting is a constant redirection of our hope.

Who or what do you find yourself waiting for today, perhaps more than you wait for the Lord?

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation