The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

We All Tend To Be A Little Late To The Party


Slow on the uptake. A bit behind the curve. Rather dense or dim. Not always the sharpest tools in the shed.

Pay attention to Jesus. Listen as closely as you can. But don’t get overly anxious about whether or not you’re catching it all just right. Anxiety will only impair your senses.

Jesus is not overly-concerned about your lateness, or slowness, or behindness, or denseness, or dimness, or dullness. None of that surprises him. Your human limitations are not disqualifications in his book. He’s not out searching for winners and only winners to join his middle school kickball team. In fact, from start to finish in the Bible, God seems quite content to draft a bunch of losers who (at least in the short term) seem to take his team nowhere fast.

So yes, listen as closely as you can. Believe as fully as you are able. Respond as quickly as possible. And when a light clicks on that you previously may not have even realized was turned off, give thanks for the great patience of God. You will not understand everything at first, but whatever you do understand is still worth diving into with all that you are. Little by little, more understanding is bound to come. Sometimes only after living and suffering a bit more do you realize the greatness of what you had been living all along.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation