The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Well-Informed And Inclusive Patience


It’s not entirely clear when, but at some point people started catching on that Judas Iscariot was skimming off of the funds supporting Jesus’ ministry. Before he was a known betrayer, he was a suspected thief.

At least John knew (because he wrote about it), and I think it’s safe to say that other disciples knew as well. As things like this go, it likely began with suspicions that were eventually confirmed, perhaps not even until after his death.

Two things about this bewilder me a bit.

First, did none of the suspicious disciples ever speak up? “Hey guys, where do you think Judas got those swanky new sandals?” Clearly there was no company policy that said “If you see something, say something.”

Second, did Jesus never catch wind of the thievery? This seems like a much more deserved “Get behind me, Satan” kind of moment. Was Jesus, who had an uncanny knack for seeing into people hearts and minds, duped by the craftiness of one man?

My suspicion is that, in the end, when it all came to light, the disciples were shocked, but Jesus was not. All along there had been something more important to him than keeping a clean house or providing a clean account to his donors or punishing a wrongdoer.

Here are three absolutely clear, and ridiculously surprising things about Jesus: Since he knows people’s innermost thoughts and desires, he is well-informed of all the facts. He loves and includes those that others would hate and exclude. And he is endlessly patient with those that deserve to be voted off of the island, even at great cost to himself.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation