The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

We’re Good At Figuring Things Out


Or at least we’re good at believing that we’re supposed to figure things out. We’re good at convincing ourselves that figuring things out is part of responsible adulting.

Often times we think we’re quite good at figuring things out—that is, when our calculations seem to add up. We get quite embarrassed and frustrated when we can’t seem to figure things out. So we buy more books and read more blogs and download more podcasts and bang our heads against more walls.

Because if we can’t figure things out, what good are we? What are we even doing? 
Instead of frantically trying to figure things out, might I suggest a simple prayer:

Send me your light and your faithful care, 

let them lead me;

let them bring me to your holy mountain, 

to the place where you dwell.

(Psalm 43:3)

Gods light, God’s faithful care: they are more trustworthy guides than my own cleverness.

In a posture of yielding and obedience I will discover that I am on the right path headed in the right direction. Not because I figured it out, but because now I see by God’s light, because I am being guided by the faithful care of the Great Shepherd.

In what way do you need God’s light and faithful care to lead you today? 

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation