The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

What Do You Need In Order To Believe?


Some of us need signs and wonders. Some of us need a clear, simple explanation. Some of us need to feel deeply loved and accepted just as we are. Some of us need a cause to live for. Some of us need help getting our act together. Some of us need a clean break from our sordid past and a fresh start into a bright, new future.

For Jesus, you never believing is not an option. His love and kindness compel him to do whatever he can to help you believe. The trick is that sometimes what we say we need in order to believe is different from what Jesus says we need in order to believe. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

I may say that I need signs and wonders, but he offers me a clean break from my past.

I may say that I need a clear explanation, but he gives me a new, bigger reason to live.

I may say that I need help getting my act together, but he extends love and acceptance.

Or perhaps I may be spot on about what I need. Regardless, the decisive moment comes when Jesus offers me what he knows I really need, which might not be what I think I need. Can I take him at his word?

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation