The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

What If The Next Great Awakening Comes Quietly?


What if it comes more in whispers than in shouts?

What if it’s felt more in silence than in subwoofers?

What if it’s not very explosive or newsworthy?

What if it’s not very tweetable, Instagrammable, or YouTubeable?

What if it comes without stage lights or filters or motion graphics?

What it comes without going viral?

What if it results in more Followers but not many more followers? 

What if it requires more shepherds than celebrities?

What if it doesn’t brand well or fit into any sort of mass-marketing plan?

What if it doesn’t result in overflowing auditoriums or sanctuaries, but full living rooms and coffee shops?

What if it’s there is more power in the subtlety of the Spirit than we expect?

What if the next Great Awakening comes more like a tiny, inconspicuous seed, growing slowly, year after year, until it’s large enough for birds to perch in as they sing their songs of new creation?

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation