The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

What If The Task Right In Front Of You


Is what you were created to do?

Empty the dishwasher. Call your insurance company. Visit a neighbor. Text your mom. Sweep the dog hair off of the floor. Warm up last night’s leftovers. Send that email. Check the batteries in your smoke detectors. Take out the trash.

Just the next, simple, boring, unexciting thing.

We can often get so consumed by the idea of ultimate destiny that we miss the beauty of good deeds. In the inexhaustible quest for the transcendent, we miss the hidden glories in the mundane.

What if your life’s worth is not illustrated by one grandiose mission or calling? Maybe it is actually the sum total of everything you have ever done, and perhaps the vast sum of forgettable deeds will in the end outweigh the successes you had hoped would be oh, so newsworthy.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation