The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

When Truth Is Inconvenient


It’s easy to ignore both logic and signs.

The Pharisees were given a sign that Jesus was sent from God: He miraculously healed a man blind from birth. But they persisted in refusing to believe that he was the same man. They refused to believe the townsfolk, They refused to believe the formerly blind man. They refused to believe his parents.

The Pharisees were also given sound logic that Jesus was sent from God: God only listens to holy people. Such a dramatic healing is unprecedented. Ergo, Jesus must be from God. But they refused this simple logic on the grounds that the blind man himself was “steeped in sin at birth.” Kicking him out for lecturing them.

Why? Because Jesus being sent from God (even as a prophet, let alone the long-anticipated Messiah) was an inconvenience. Why was that inconvenient? Maybe because it upset the social power structure that upheld their influence. But maybe also because they were simply human beings, and human beings don’t like it when their paradigm is challenged.

We prefer to go on living in the world we’ve been accustomed to living in. But it’s part of God’s m.o. to disrupt our paradigms. He can be terribly inconvenient.

Next time you feel your reality being shaken, it very well might be divine work. Be careful to not ignore sound logic and clear signs being given to you.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation