The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

When You Can’t Find Jesus


It may very well be intentional on his part.

Not because he’s playing hard to get. Not because it’s some sort of cosmic game of hide-and-seek. From all that I understand, that’s not really how he works.

And not because you did something wrong. Not because you drove him away by your sin or your disobedience or your frustrating personality quirks. You didn’t disappoint him into leaving.

And not because he intends to be gone for forever. Again and again, whenever he gave people the disorienting news that he was going away—”You will look for me, but you will not find me”—he didn’t mean permanently. He will come again. Eventually you will find him again.

And not because it’s a test. Not because you’re supposed to crack the code of his absence. No. When you can’t find Jesus, you can be sure that he has his reasons, but may just be that one of those reasons is not for you to figure out his reasons.

When you can’t find Jesus, the only thing to do is to keep looking for him. Keep watch. Keep your eyes on the horizon. Keep your ear to the ground. Stay faithful in your following. Day in and day out. Trust that this is no accident, and that his intentions are good because they are part of the good news being announced into your life.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation