It is God’s desire that he be seen and known and encountered by human beings. And all that most clearly through Jesus of Nazareth. The incarnated Christ is the apex of his communication and self-demonstration to humanity. But he does’t stop there.
It is also God’s desire that he be seen and known and encountered through all other human beings, each as a unique image bearer of the divine nature.
It is also God’s desire that he be seen and known and encountered through the entire created order.
It is even God’s desire that he be seen and known and experienced through man-made things and culture.
I’m not talking about pantheism (nature is God), or even panentheism (God indwells nature). It’s more that our world “is always already en-Spirited” (James K. A. Smith, Thinking in Tongues). God is separate and distinct from anything created, yet his Spirit is far more present and active than most of us are aware.
Pivoting away from philosophical/theological categories, let’s run with a metaphor: Everything we know can become for us a pair of glasses whose lenses allow us to see God from a slightly different angle, in a “certain slant of light”, and with a little more clarity.
Everything and everyone we encounter has the capacity to help us know God more. Whoever has eyes, let them see.