The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation

Whose Arrival Are You Celebrating?


At the same time that Jesus was riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, through the entrance on the opposite side of the city, the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, was arriving on a horse. Jesus was followed by his rag-tag band of disciples; Pilate was accompanied by a military brigade. Jesus had come to bring peace by way of self-sacrifice; Pilate had come to keep the peace by intimidation—and by brute force if necessary.

There were crowds to celebrate each of them. One arrival was a cobbled together, last-minute communal expression of hope, the other was a military parade.

There are still crowds celebrating each of them.

Whose arrival are you celebrating? He who comes in the name of the Emperor, or the one who comes in the name of the Lord? The Subjugating Caesar, or the Prince of Peace? The one who rules through fear and violence, or the one who rules through love and healing?

Take up your palm branches. Wave them like the fool that you are with the rag-tag crowd crying, “Hosanna! ” That is, “Save us!” Save us from tyranny of supposed saviors who promise much freedom but only deliver more bondage.

The intersection of organizational health and spiritual formation